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English Assistance

All manuscripts should be in English. American or British usage is accepted. The journal strongly recommends that non-native speakers must review the manuscripts with a professional native speaker before submission. To edit, translate, spelling mistakes, grammar, punctuation, misplaced modifiers, changes in tense, problems in parallelisms, use of inappropriate language or even review the content of articles prior to publication, the journal recomends:

Enago’s objective is to ensure that your paper gets accepted in your desired journal. Enago will offer discount to all the authors for Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy (Code RFARMA).
Helping you prepare your manuscript for publication.

James Allen

Tradutor e revisor português-inglês


Native speaker que mora em São Paulo há dez anos. Contato pelo e-mail: jamesallen20[at]gmail.com ou pelo telefone: (11) 995 180 882.
MedSci focus on providing professional Pharmaceutical & Bioscience language editing service . MedSci will provide discount for RBFAR authors.
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Since 2002 Editage has been helping authors worldwide get published by providing the highest-quality English-language editing and author support services. We guarantee the quality of every document we edit. Editage will offer a 10% discount to all new BJP authors.
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Your submission deserves to be judged on merit, not rejected because of language issues. Since 1997, Scribendi.com has provided affordable and professional editing and proofreading services. Try us today.
We can offer the highest standard of qualifications and experience and a personalised service at a very competitive price that makes it more accessible for author's to benefit from professional editing.
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